We have received a number of questions from several clients regarding an issue with Google Analytics demographic reporting dating back to September 15th, 2021. Since September 15th, 2021 demographic reporting within Google Analytics, including age, gender, and interest reporting, has been disabled and has not collected new data. This seems to be a widespread issue across the Google Analytics platform as all Google Analytics accounts managed by Bytes.co and Google Analytics Accounts managed by third parties are observing a similar lack of data for demographic reporting.
At this time there has been no official word from Google or Google Analytics via the Google Analytics Blog, Google Analytics Products Blog, or the Google Blog. The Bytes.co Digital Marketing Team is currently working with Google Analytics support to obtain a bit more information on what may be causing the issue with demographic reporting and when a potential fix will be implemented. Stay tuned to the Bytes.co blog or subscribe to our newsletter for any updates!
The data collecting issue on demographic reporting within Google Analytics has been caught by the Google Analytics team and a fix has been pushed. As of 10/1/21 demographic reporting is collecting and reporting what seems to be accurate data.
As reported to Bytes.co by Google Analytics support this issue was due to an “intermittent technical issue.” Following up with acknowledgment that “the issue is now resolved and the data in Google Analytics is now visible.”