Neil Armstrong walking on the moon, Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press, the first personal computer, Bytes hitting 10,000 support tickets. . .memorable, unforgettable, and life-changing milestones, right? Well, hitting 10,000 support tickets certainly feels pretty darn epic to us! Why? Consider each support ticket that we receive as a technical (or non-technical even) question sent to us from one of our clients, all ranging from incredibly descriptive and clear to mind-bogglingly vague. This can be something from a 5-minute fix, easy to interpret “change this font color” request to a potential black hole of troubleshooting for “my site just got hacked”. No matter what gets sent our way, though, we address and resolve each and every one of them.
To give you a little background, a support ticket is a task or request that is assigned to us through our task management platform, ZenDesk. Bytes employees can assign tickets to each other, or a ticket can be assigned from a client that needs technical support. Every time that [email protected] gets an email, a ticket is automatically created in our system. If you’ve ever sent a message to that email, you’re likely one of the 10,000 tickets we’ve solved!
We’ve been using ZenDesk for 4 years and if we assume 250-260 working days, this means receiving and resolving 10 support tickets on average each day. Pretty awesome right? Out of those 4 years and 10,000 tickets, we’ve received a wide range of requests. To mark this remarkable milestone, we thought we’d share some of the more entertaining ones with you. Enjoy!