In case you don’t follow internet marketing news as closely as we do (what can we say, we’re nerds), we’re here to tell you that Facebook recently released a new ad format that the digital marketing team at Burlington Bytes is really excited about. They’re called Collection Ads, and they’ll change the way you see ads for products on Facebook.
Catch me up.
So what’s the big deal with these ads anyway? According to Facebook Business, people are loving videos, and they want to see products featured as they exist in real life. So Facebook released a new ad format that gives the people what they want! A collection ad features a larger photo or video at the top of the ad, and then smaller product images underneath. When a potential customer clicks the ad, it funnels them to a place where they can make a purchase, giving the user a streamlined and interactive experience with the ad.
Any Other Benefits?
Definitely. Not only will this ad format hopefully get more people to look at and click on an ad, it also gives more insight to the marketer about the path a customer or potential customer took when they interacted with the ad. Plus, by including images for multiple products, the potential for a click is higher than it would be with just a single image.
So What Is Burlington Bytes Doing About It?
As you read this, the internet marketing team is hard at work creating new collection ads for our clients. If you don’t believe us, here’s a couple examples of what we’ve been working on.
Pretty cool, right? We think so. If you think so too, feel free to get in touch with us and ask about how Burlington Bytes can use our skills in Facebook ads to get more leads and drive sales for your business!