With dozens of Content Management Systems to choose from, Bytes.co’s clear choice is WordPress, and has been since 2010. Eleven years ago, only about 13% of websites were built using WordPress. Now dominating over 1/3 of the web (39.6%) WordPress has surpassed all other CMS platforms by a long shot.
So why is WordPress taking over the web and how did Bytes.co know of WordPress’s amazing capabilities so early on?
Open-source refers to a software that is publicly accessible with the ability to download and modify it for your needs. This allows our team to use WordPress’ framework as the skeleton of our website builds while being able to fully customize it to meet our clients’ design and functionality requirements.
There is nothing more frustrating than the inability to update an image or text on your website. Sure, leave the more technical aspects to an expert, but everyone should be able to make simple changes to their site, hassle free. That’s why we love WordPress.
While our incredible support team is accessible to our clients whenever they need them, we don’t want our clients to feel they have to pay us to update every little change on their website. WordPress’ easy-to-use backend makes it quick and painless to make edits to your website.
In 2021, it’s safe to say that any experienced web developer has dabbled in WordPress at some point. With that, hundreds of developers have created thousands of WordPress plugins, themes, and extensions to fit the needs of almost every functionality requirement.
While a customizable solution sounds fancy, it can be difficult to support and limits that support to the developers who created it. By choosing to work in WordPress, you can find a solution to any functionality requirement with the support from a full development team who updates it frequently.
Bytes.co can build you the website of your dreams, as long as you have the financial means to make it happen. Our team of developers are extremely talented and can customize your WordPress website to look and behave however you’d like it to.
That being said, not everyone needs a fancy website. Sometimes, all you need is a place for visitors to find out about your business. Using the pre-built themes and plugins, our team can build you a website using WordPress for as low as $6,000. Just another reason why the WordPress community is responsible for its popularity all over the world.
WordPress is the leader in Content Management Systems on the web and for good reason. It’s easy to use backend, open-source software, and community of support have all contributed to its immense success.
If you’re looking to re-platform your website, or build a brand new one, we recommend building a WordPress site with Bytes.co. Our reasonable rates, incredible team, and years of experience make us the number one team of WordPress developers around.