Yesterday Google released more information regarding the search algorithm update they have been discussing for the past couple months pertaining to mobile search traffic. As part of this release there are two key changes.
1) The most critical update will be introduced on April 21st using mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor when displaying results on mobile phones. This follows the recent trend that places increasing importance on usability for mobile devices. As of May 2014 for the first time Mobile device usage exceeded traditional desktop/laptops.
Mobile traffic stats:
With mobile traffic growing at such an aggressive rate there is a sense of urgency to ensure your website can maintain its rankings. If you are unsure whether Google views your website as mobile friendly visit this tool they are providing which will scan and report issues it finds:
If you do not have a mobile friendly website contact your website provider or a trusted web developer to inquire about getting mobile optimized.
2) The other update that Google has announced, which goes into place immediately, is incorporating active apps to help dictate search results. From Google’s announcement:
“Starting today, we will begin to use information from indexed apps as a factor in ranking for signed-in users who
have the app installed. As a result, we may now surface content from indexed apps more prominently in search”.
The full effects of this change remain to be seen but are again solidifying their shift to mobile usability and pertinent content.
Contact the Burlington Bytes team for any questions or help on becoming mobile friendly, (802) 448-4001 or [email protected].