Want the convenience of machine learning and automation, but with the common sense and expertise of a real live human? Talk to our Digital Marketing team about Enhanced Cost-Per-Click Bidding (ECPC for short). They implement a potent mix of automation and good old common sense to make sure your Google AdWords campaigns are performing just the way you want them to.
So what is ECPC Bidding?
ECPC bidding is a semi-automated bidding strategy offered by Google AdWords. It uses data that your account has collected over time to determine the types of clicks that are most likely to lead to goal completions, and adjusts your bid in those particular situations so your ads show up when it counts the most.
Credit: Illustrations by Alex Nabaum for Ad Age
What makes it semi-automated?
While the program is learning when to increase and decrease your bids, our digital marketing specialists are watching closely, and setting a maximum cost-per-click. This gives AdWords a cap on how much it can increase your bid by and keeps a real live human in control of how much you spend, and where you spend it within your campaign.
Why is that good for me?
Because ECPC bidding is only semi-automated, it gives our digital marketers the control and freedom to optimize your account in the way that works with your goals. This way, they can get the best results out of your account while maintaining a client-centered approach.
Check out our Google AdWords & Paid Search page to learn more, and contact us for a free quote!