Randy Abair
Digital Marketing Team Lead
Randy, a Vermont native, began his digital marketing career in 2002 and never looked back. With over 2 decades experience developing and executing SEO, paid search and social media marketing campaigns, he brings to Bytes the expertise and goal oriented strategic thinking our clients have come to expect from our team. From managing small SEO projects for local, Vermont nonprofits and businesses to helping scale paid search campaigns for home service companies across the country, there’s little that hasn’t crossed his desk and he thoroughly enjoys the challenges and rewards of each.
Aside from marketing digitally, if Randy’s not strolling the aisles of his local Costco he can likely be found extolling the virtues of the members only warehouse retailer to anyone who will listen. You might also catch him rifling through the clearance racks at a clothing outlet or through dented cans on the shelves of the type of weird warehouse that when you drive by makes you ask “I wonder what goes on in there?” (Now you know)
Despite being born and raised in the Green Mountain State, Randy suffers from acute winterphobia and was recently self-prescribed a daily dose of Florida humidity – trading in his winter boots for flip-flops, his kayaking with Champ for kayaking with gators and manatees, his 4 months of gardening for… year ‘round gardening. Florida man? More like Florida Ran
Fun Facts About Randy
Oh, you wanted the worst? Sorry, I thought you said the best…