With practically no warning, here we are in an almost fully remote world. This past month our patience have been tested in more ways than one. From the vulnerability of our health and well-being to the uncertainty of our job and business security, it’s been a very trying time.
Top this off with the hardships that come with working fully remote on short notice, and we’ve entered a considerably stressful time. To help you get through it, the Bytes team developed a list of 5 ways to help you manage your work from home life.
- Write down a new routine and stick to it. Now that most of our time is at home, it’s easy to fall out of routine and into bad habits. A practical way to stay on track is by creating a new routine that works for your remote lifestyle. Schedule out tasks and hold yourself responsible to adhering to them each day.
- Create your own work space. Whether it be your home office or in your room, make sure you have a consistent spot to work remotely from. Distractions are inevitable when the whole world is home. Designating an area as your own work space is a great way to set boundaries. Disclaimer: this isn’t foolproof! You will probably still encounter distractions, but it’s a great start and provides you with a space of your own.
- Find effective ways to communicate with your coworkers. While chatting with a co-worker about a project, idea, or just to say good morning may have been an easy task in person, you may be finding this type of simple back and forth is a bit more challenging these days. Now is a great time to install a chat application like Slack. This allows for more informal conversation with co-workers, keeping everyone connected during this time away from one another.
- Take breaks! Many of you may be finding you are spending more time working than ever before. It’s much easier to work longer hours when work is in your own home. While working more is great, it is important to give your brain and eyes the break they need. Make sure to continue going outside for exercise and fresh air, have dinner with your family, and leave time for yourself. Burnout is real. Stay healthy!
- Schedule weekly company meetings and daily team meetings. Accountability is essential right now. Daily meetings allow you to check in with your team, making sure everyone is on track and gives employees a designated time to ask questions before starting the day. Be sure to ask how they are handling this “new normal,” and give everyone a chance to present challenges and successes they’re encountering both professionally and personally. In addition, it’s important to stay connected with everyone in the company. Schedule a weekly company meeting to see how everyone is doing. Highlight lows and highs for the company during the week and keep everyone in the loop. People want to feel connected and informed during uncertain times like these.
Remember that all of this is temporary. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and we will get there together. In the meantime, this is a great opportunity to focus on your website. After all, it is the place your customers will turn to for information when your storefront is temporarily closed.